Beech Woods Master Plan Presentation
Beech Woods Park Master Plan Presentation - July 2021Beech Woods Park Master Plan
Beech Woods Area Resident Open House
This Open House will be held specifically for residents surrounding Beech Woods Park. Share your aspirations for the park and review in-progress concepts.
Tuesday, June 29 6-7:30 pm
at Beech Woods Recreation Center, 22200 Beech Road
This session will follow the recommendations of the CDC and Michigan Department of Health and Human Services. Please observe safe social practices and wear a mask if not fully vaccinated.
Contact: Chris Riggert, chris.riggert@ohm-advisors.com for more information

Beech Woods Park Master Plan Presentation June 15, 2021
If you couldn't join us for the Beech Woods Park Master Plan Virtual Open House on Tuesday, June 15 or you were there but would like a closer look at the presentation, please view the pdf version below.
Beech Woods Park Master Plan Presentation June 15, 2021Beech Woods Park Master Plan Presentation June 15, 2021
After months of research and community engagement, the Beech Woods Park Master Plan is almost ready! What’s included?
Join OHM and Projects and People for the final Virtual Open House on Tuesday, June 15 from 6-7:30 pm to find out.
The meeting will take place online via Zoom and can be accessed by phone, though you will not be able to see the graphics using that format. We will also be sharing the meeting via Facebook Live on the Southfield Parks & Recreation page (@SouthfieldParksandRecreation) to allow our Followers to see and comment on the plan as well.
Via Zoom (this is the recommended way to join)
Link: https://bit.ly./3uV0E4t Password: 482664
By Phone (will not be able to see the presentation)
Dial: 1-312-626-6799
Meeting ID: 955 5205 3814 Password: 482664

Beech Woods Master Plan Presentation
If you couldn't join us for the Beech Woods Park Master Plan Virtual Open House on Tuesday, May 11 or you were there but would like a closer look at the options presented, please view the pdf version at right.
Beech Woods Master Plan Presentation May 11, 2021Beech Woods Park Master Plan Presentation May 11, 2021
Southfield Parks and Recreation Department is excited to share the concepts our partners at OHM have created for Beech Woods Park, with the community! OHM will be conducting a Virtual Open House this Tuesday, May 11 from 6-7:30 pm to discuss the plans and to hear the reactions from our residents and community members.
The meeting will take place online via Zoom and can be accessed by phone, though you will not be able to see the graphics using that format. We will also be sharing the meeting via Facebook Live on the Southfield Parks & Recreation page (@SouthfieldParksandRecreation) to allow our Followers to see and comment on the plans as well.
Via Zoom (this is the recommended way to join)
Link: https://bit.ly./3nNXM7e Password: 367311
By Phone (will not be able to see the presentation)
Dial: 1-312-626-6799
Meeting ID: 959 8301 4479 Password: 367311
Be a Part of Beech Woods Park Community Discussions
The Parks & Recreation Department is in the process of developing a new Master Plan for Beech Woods Park to reimagine underused spaces within the park and provide improved recreation opportunities for Southfield residents and we need your help! A series of meetings with residents are being planned to be held virtually during the weeks of March 1 and March 8 on Google Hangouts (call-in options available for those without Internet access). These community meetings will provide more information about the project while gathering input into what residents envision for the park.
Residents interested in participating should email Samantha Hall at sam@projects-people.com to complete a short initial survey that will be used to organize discussion groups based on availability and interest.