Residential Plan Review Process



To expedite the review of plans as required by Chapter 19, Southfield City Code, the following requirements are provided to aid Engineers and Surveyors in preparing site drainage plans for submission to the Engineering Department:

A. Initial Requirements:

Chapter 19 Application Form (Interactive PDF) to be submitted with plans

Submit six (6) sealed sets of Drainage Plans for the complete site, signed and sealed by a registered Engineer or Surveyor.

If within 500' of a stream...
Apply for Site Drainage and/or Soil Erosion and Sedimentation Control Permit.
Pay a $400.00 inspection deposit and $1000.00 cash bond.
Indicate the soil erosion and sedimentation controls on the drainage plan and include their details.
Submit one (1) additional set of plans for a total of seven (7) sets.

Pay a $250.00 review fee to the Engineering Department.

Submit Soils Engineering Evaluation for houses constructed on steep slope.

B. Requirements after initial review but prior to receiving Building Permits:

Install Soil Erosion Control Fencing, if required by the Engineering Department.

Obtain Engineering Department approval by calling (248)796-4810, 3 days in advance for a soil erosion control fence inspection.

Obtain culvert permit for installation of culvert if required. Cost of permit is $50.00. Engineering Department establishes grades and will stake the grades upon request.

C. Requirements for Certificate of Occupancy Approval from Engineering:

Allow 3 days for final Engineering Department grade inspection.

Site must be fine graded, all walkways and driveways shall be paved prior to final Engineering Department grade inspection. After grading approval, front, side and rear yards must be top soiled, seeded and mulched or top soiled and sodded, if weather permits. (See Building Section for bond requirements).


Elevations to be shown (City of Southfield Datum):
Existing and proposed grades around perimeter of lot
Existing and proposed grades at building corners
Proposed first floor
Finish grade at adjacent buildings proposed
Ditch line
Road centerline and edge
Surrounding area 100 feet beyond site limits (on a grid of 50 feet or less, as required)
Dimensions to be shown:
Site boundaries
Proposed setback and side yards
Setback and side yards of adjacent buildings

Additional information to be shown:
Property description
Benchmark on City of Southfield Datum
Right-of-way width
Type and width of road surface
Proposed drainage pattern
All existing and proposed utilities

The drawing shall be on a maximum 24" x 36" sheet and shall include a location map.
The directional arrow for "North" shall point either toward the top of the page or to the left of the page.
The scale is to be an engineer's scale from 1" =20' to 1" = 100'.
The final building grade shall be established and maintained at an elevation that will provide a minimum five percent (5%) slope away from the building or house for a minimum distance of ten feet (10'), and the balance of the building or house site shall be graded to provide positive surface drainage from that point to the street, ditch or other drainage course.