City Council March 18 Regular Meeting (conducted as a Committee-of-the-Whole Meeting) Agenda

March 15, 2024

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City of Southfield 

Regular Meeting (conducted as a Committee-of-the-Whole Meeting)

Agenda of the City Council 

March 18, 2024 at 6:00 p.m.

Council Conference Room

Donald F. Fracassi Municipal Campus

26000 Evergreen Road

Southfield, Michigan 48076

Telephone: 248-796-5150




The Southfield City Council has established the following Rules of Procedure for all speakers: 

  • No speaker may make personal or impertinent attacks upon any officer, employee, or City Council member or other Elected Official, that is unrelated to the manner in which the officer, employee, or City Council member or other Elected Official, performs his or her duties.
  • No person shall use abusive or threatening language toward any individual when addressing the City Council.

Any person who violates this section shall be directed by the presiding officer to be orderly and silent.  If a person addressing the Council refuses to become silent when so directed, such person may be deemed by the presiding officer to have committed a “breach of the peace” by disrupting and impeding the orderly conduct of the public meeting of the City Council and may be ordered by the presiding officer to leave the meeting.  If the person refuses to leave as directed, the presiding officer may direct any law enforcement officer who is present to escort the violator from the meeting.


  1. Authorization to Purchase Agricultural Chemicals for the Parks & Recreation Department – (Rule 10 – immediate need to act)
  2. Presentation and Discussion of Receipt of Bids for Public Works Building Generator       
  3. Receipt of Bids for Tree Planting – (Rule 10 – immediate need to act)
  4. Presentation and Discussion to Purchase Mobile Vehicle Lift System for Motor Poo
  5. Presentation and Discussion of Receipt of Bids on Landscape Maintenance Services
  6. Discussion regarding Authorization to Award Contract to OHM Advisors for Professional Design and Engineering Services for pathway feasibility studies
  7. Presentation and Discussion of proposed Site Plan Review process changes
  8. Presentation and Discussion of potential changes to hours of operation for Medical Marihuana Provisioning Centers and Adult-use Marijuana Retailers
  9. 24412 Southfield Road (Parcel #24-25-151-020) – Potential rezoning of vacant land from OS Office Service to B-3 General Business to permit construction of an oil change business
  10. Presentation and Discussion of Replacement of Court Escalators
  11. Presentation and Discussion of EV Charging Station Installation Cost


  1. Discussion of Performance Evaluation


Individuals with special need for this meeting should contact the City Clerk’s Office at 248-796-5150 (voice) or 711 (TDD). If auxiliary aids or services are needed, reasonable advance notice is required.